We believe we’re called and created for connection. We experience this connection as a community through prayer, worship, discipleship, and communion.
Connection with ourselves, with each other and with God is also a core conviction of our community. We encourage these connections through corporate worship, prayer, Bible study, and communion. We also believe God’s grace works through our individual lives in conversations with family, friends, and neighbors, and in our work and play. God’s Spirit is working in and through our very being and everything we do, desiring to draw us into deeper connection with God and with one another.
A core conviction of our community is that we are called to be present and witness to God’s presence in this particular place — the city of West Palm Beach. We believe that God is already at work in our city, breathing life into it through people and organizations. God is also working to bring renewal in our city where there are broken systems and people. The good news that Jesus has come to redeem and renew all things envelops every person and every neighborhood, industry, and institution. We are seeking to discern where God is already working and join in that work so that all in our city may flourish.
We believe we’re called to serve our city by joining God in the renewal of all things.
We believe we are called to understand and tend to our story in the context of the ultimate story God is writing.
We love the city of West Palm Beach. In fact, on a Sunday afternoon almost 100 years ago, a small group of people gathered to pray for the city and her future. This group would soon start a church. A church they would build with their own hands and then rebuild again after the hurricane of 1928. Through the best of times and the worst of times the family continued to grow and love their city. Memorial Presbyterian Church stands as a church strategically planted between the Norton Art Museum to our West, our beautiful water way to the East, and our growing Metropolis to the North. We are excited to be part of the cultivation and growth of our city and community. We hope that the work of our church and people will match God’s imagination for our city in the next 100 years.