Wednesday Night Groups
Come join us on Wednesday Night for dinner at 6pm followed by an array of group gatherings. There is no need to sign up for groups ahead of time. We will have four different group offerings described above. Childcare is available. If you plan to join us for dinner, we ask that you RSVP below to help us get an accurate headcount. All are welcome!

Bible, Beans and Banter
If you are a college student or young adult, come join us on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm. We gather together for coffee and community as we dive into discussions of faith and Scripture. You do not have to be in college to attend. Contact Basil for more details.

Supply Donations for Jamaica Mission Trip
Can you help our Jamaica team with supplies for their trip? We will have a box in the back of the church labeled Jamaica. Please bring your donations before Wednesday 3/19. We are looking for the following supplies:
School Glue, Laminating pouches, Mounting Tape, Construction Paper, Dry Erase Markers, Heavy Duty Staple Gun, 9in Scissors, Post It's (assorted colors and sizes), Pocket Folders, Laminating Machine (2), Masking Tape, Apple MacBook, Decorations (Assorted blue, white, silver), Ziploc Bags (Gallon and sandwich), Index Cards, Stapler and Staples, Glue Gun, Bingo Game, Twister Game, Puzzles, Small Printer, Printer paper, Pencils, Pencil Sharpener, Sharpies, Chalk, Construction Paper, Folders, Stapler and Staples, Pens, Crayons, Coloring Books, Story Books, and Play-Dough.

Jamaica Mission Trip Interest Meeting
This coming 3/23-3/29, we will be doing a mission trip to Jamaica alongside Memorial Presbyterian Church in effort to support the deaf community. If you are interested or even just curious about learning more, please contact us.

Lady Palms
Our Lady Palms Women's Bible Study will meet again on Monday 3/3 at 6:30 p.m. It will be a time of Bible study, potluck dinner, and community with women from both Providencia and Memorial Presbyterian Church. Contact Ashley Murphy (ashley@gompc.org) for the location.

Block Party
Spring is quickly upon us! Join us as we head over to Southland Park area on Saturday, 3/1! Things will kick off at 4 p.m. at Monceaux Park. We'll then head across the street to the Heggen's home and end the night at George Petty Park down the street. Food and drink will be provided. Bring a chair or blanket for the park. Come party with us!

Prime Timers Luncheon
We are inviting all those in our community who are 60+ to our Prime Timers Lunch on Sunday, 2/16. The lunch will be in the downstairs fellowship hall at noon following our Sunday morning service.