Can you help our Jamaica team with supplies for their trip? We will have a box in the back of the church labeled Jamaica. Please bring your donations before Wednesday 3/19. We are looking for the following supplies:
School Glue, Laminating pouches, Mounting Tape, Construction Paper, Dry Erase Markers, Heavy Duty Staple Gun, 9in Scissors, Post It's (assorted colors and sizes), Pocket Folders, Laminating Machine (2), Masking Tape, Apple MacBook, Decorations (Assorted blue, white, silver), Ziploc Bags (Gallon and sandwich), Index Cards, Stapler and Staples, Glue Gun, Bingo Game, Twister Game, Puzzles, Small Printer, Printer paper, Pencils, Pencil Sharpener, Sharpies, Chalk, Construction Paper, Folders, Stapler and Staples, Pens, Crayons, Coloring Books, Story Books, and Play-Dough.
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